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Adult Basic Education students explore Minnesota nature thanks to grant from District 279 Foundation

Adult Basic Education students explore Minnesota nature thanks to grant from District 279 Foundation

Adult Basic Education (ABE) English Language (EL) students are engaging in new learning experiences this school year, thanks to a partnership with the Eastman Nature Center and a grant funded by District 279 Foundation.

This winter, ABE EL students have been gathering at Eastman Nature Center, part of the Three Rivers Park District, for ABE Nature for Adult EL Learners class. Held on Saturdays, the free four part series introduces students to Nature in Minnesota and what the Three Rivers Parks District has to offer the community. Led by a naturalist educator, each session focuses on a different topic, including dressing for winter weather, animals in the winter and hunting and fishing regulations. 

During a Feb. 1 visit, students learned about Minnesota wildlife, including foxes, coyotes, black bears, bats and snakes. A naturalist educator guided the lesson, discussing each animal's natural habitat, unique physical features and addressed some common myths. Before going outdoors, students had the opportunity to get an up-close look and touch a hognose snake if they wanted to. 

The second part of the class featured a guided trail tour led by the naturalist educator at Eastman Nature Center. Students learned about woodpeckers, squirrel nests, maple and ash trees, deer crossings and owls commonly found in Minnesota. A highlight of the experience was meeting Jack, the Great Horned Owl.